; I/O System for 86-DOS version 1.20 and later. Revised 8-02-82. ; ; Assumes a CPU Support card at F0 hex for character I/O, ; with disk drivers for SCP, Tarbell, or Cromemco controllers. ; ; Select whether console input is interrupt-driven or polled. INTINP: EQU 1 ; ; Select whether the auxiliary port is the Support Card parallel port ; or on channel 1 of a Multiport Serial card addressed at 10H. PARALLELAUX: EQU 1 SERIALAUX: EQU 0 ; ; Select whether the printer is connected to the Support card parallel ; output port (standard) or channel 0 of a Multiport Serial card ; addressed at 10H. PARALLELPRN: EQU 1 SERIALPRN: EQU 0 ; ; If the Multiport Serial was chosen for either the auxiliary or the ; printer, select the baud rate here. Refer to Multiport Serial manual ; page 11 to pick the correct value for a given baud rate. PRNBAUD:EQU 7 ; 1200 baud AUXBAUD:EQU 0FH ; 19200 baud ; ; Select disk controller here. SCP: EQU 1 TARBELLSD: EQU 0 TARBELLDD: EQU 0 CROMEMCO4FDC: EQU 0 CROMEMCO16FDC: EQU 0 ; ; Select if you want a special conversion version which can read/write ; both the new Microsoft format and the old SCP format. ; For a two drive system, drives A and B are the new Microsoft format, ; and drives C and D are the old SCP format (where C is the same physical ; drive as A, and D is the same drive as B). CONVERT has no effect ; on 5.25-inch drives. CONVERT:EQU 1 ; ; Select disk configuration: LARGE: EQU 1 ; Large drives. COMBIN: EQU 0 ; Two 8-inch and one 5.25-inch. SMALL: EQU 0 ; Three 5.25-inch drives. CUSTOM: EQU 0 ; User defined. ; ; If 8-inch drives are PerSci, select FASTSEEK here: ; (Fastseek with Tarbell controllers doesn't work yet). FASTSEEK: EQU 1 ; ; For double-density controllers, select double-sided operation of ; 8-inch disks in double-density mode. LARGEDS: EQU 0 ; ; For double-density controllers, select double-sided operation of ; 5.25-inch disks in double-density mode. SMALLDS: EQU 0 ; ; Use table below to select head step speed. Step times for 5" drives ; are double that shown in the table. Times for Fast Seek mode (using ; PerSci drives) is very small - 200-400 microseconds. ; ; Step value 1771 1793 ; ; 0 6ms 3ms ; 1 6ms 6ms ; 2 10ms 10ms ; 3 20ms 15ms ; STPSPD: EQU 0 ; ; ****** End of selections ******************************************** ; BIOSSEG:EQU 40H ; I/O system segment. BIOSLEN:EQU 2048 ; Maximum length of I/O system. DOSLEN: EQU 8192 ; Maximum length of MS-DOS. QSIZE: EQU 80 ; Input queue size. PBUFSIZ:EQU 128 ; Size of print buffer BASE: EQU 0F0H ; CPU Support card base port number. SIOBASE:EQU 10H ; Base port number of Multiport Serial card. STAT: EQU BASE+7 ; Serial I/O status port. DATA: EQU BASE+6 ; Serial I/O data port. DAV: EQU 2 ; Data available bit. TBMT: EQU 1 ; Transmitter buffer empty bit. SERIAL: EQU SERIALPRN+SERIALAUX STCDATA:EQU BASE+4 ; Ports for 9513 Timer chip. STCCOM: EQU BASE+5 IF SERIALAUX AUXSTAT:EQU SIOBASE+3 AUXDATA:EQU SIOBASE+2 ENDIF IF PARALLELAUX AUXSTAT:EQU BASE+13 AUXDATA:EQU BASE+12 ENDIF IF SERIALPRN PRNSTAT:EQU SIOBASE+1 PRNDATA:EQU SIOBASE+0 ENDIF IF PARALLELPRN PRNSTAT:EQU BASE+13 PRNDATA:EQU BASE+12 ENDIF ORG 0 PUT 100H JMP INIT JMP STATUS JMP INP JMP OUTP JMP PRINT JMP AUXIN JMP AUXOUT JMP READ JMP WRITE JMP DSKCHG JMP SETDATE JMP SETTIME JMP GETTIME JMP FLUSH JMP MAPDEV MAPDEV: RET L INIT: XOR BP,BP ; Set up stack just below I/O system. MOV SS,BP MOV SP,BIOSSEG*16 IF INTINP-1 MOV AL,0FFH ; Mask all interrupts. OUTB BASE+3 ENDIF IF INTINP DI ; Set up keyboard interrupt vector. MOV [BP+64H],KBINT MOV [BP+66H],CS EI ENDIF MOV [BP+4*38H],PRNFCB MOV [BP+4*38H+2],CS PUSH CS POP DS ; ; Initialize time-of-day clock. ; MOV SI,STCTAB MOV CX,4 ;Initialize 4 registers UP INITSTC: LODB OUT STCCOM ;Select register to initialize LODB OUT STCDATA LODB OUT STCDATA LOOP INITSTC IF SERIAL MOV CX,4 SERINIT: LODB OUT SIOBASE+1 OUT SIOBASE+3 LOOP SERINIT LODB ;Baud rate for channel 0 OUT SIOBASE+8 LODB ;Baud rate for channel 1 OUT SIOBASE+9 ENDIF ; ; Move MS-DOS down to the first segment just above the I/O system. ; MOV SI,BIOSLEN ; Source points to where MS-DOS currently is. MOV AX,DOSSEG ; Destination is beginning of DOSSEG. MOV ES,AX SUB DI,DI MOV CX,DOSLEN/2 ; CX is number of words to move. REP MOVSW MOV SI,INITTAB MOV DX,1 ; Do auto memory scan. CALL 0,DOSSEG ; ; Change disk read and write vectors (INT 37 and INT 38) to go to ; DIRECTREAD and DIRECTWRITE rather than READ and WRITE. ; SUB BP,BP MOV W,[BP+37*4],DIRECTREAD MOV W,[BP+38*4],DIRECTWRITE MOV DX,100H MOV AH,26 ;Set DMA address INT 33 MOV CX,[6] ;Get size of segment MOV BX,DS ;Save segment for later ; ; DS must be set to CS so we can point to the FCB. ; MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV DX,FCB ;File Control Block for COMMAND.COM MOV AH,15 INT 33 ;Open COMMAND.COM OR AL,AL JNZ COMERR ;Error if file not found XOR AX,AX MOV [FCB+33],AX ; Set 4-byte Random Record field to MOV [FCB+35],AX ; beginning of file. INC AX MOV [FCB+14],AX ;Set record length field MOV AH,39 ;Block read (CX already set) INT 33 JCXZ COMERR ;Error if no records read TEST AL,1 JZ COMERR ;Error if not end-of-file ; ; Make all segment registers the same. ; MOV DS,BX MOV ES,BX MOV SS,BX MOV SP,5CH ;Set stack to standard value XOR AX,AX PUSH AX ;Put zero on top of stack for return MOV DX,80H MOV AH,26 INT 33 ;Set default transfer address (DS:0080) PUSH BX ;Put segment on stack MOV AX,100H PUSH AX ;Put address to execute within segment on stack RET L ;Jump to COMMAND COMERR: MOV DX,BADCOM MOV AH,9 ;Print string INT 33 EI STALL: JP STALL STCTAB: DB 17H ;Select master mode register DW 84F3H ;Enable time-of-day DB 1 ;Counter 1 mode register DW 0138H DB 2 DW 0038H DB 3 DW 0008H ;Set counter 3 to count days IF SERIAL DB 0B7H, 77H, 4EH, 37H, PRNBAUD, AUXBAUD ENDIF BADCOM: DB 13,10,"Error in loading Command Interpreter",13,10,"$" FCB: DB 1,"COMMAND COM" DS 25 ; ; ************ Time and Date ************ ; GETTIME: MOV AL,0A7H ;Save counters 1,2,3 OUT STCCOM MOV AL,0E0H ;Enable data pointer sequencing OUT STCCOM MOV AL,19H ;Select hold 1 / hold cycle OUT STCCOM CALL STCTIME ;Get seconds & 1/100's XCHG AX,DX CALL STCTIME ;Get hours & minutes XCHG AX,CX IN STCDATA MOV AH,AL IN STCDATA XCHG AL,AH ;Count of days JP POINTSTAT STCTIME: CALL STCBYTE MOV CL,AH STCBYTE: IN STCDATA MOV AH,AL SHR AH SHR AH SHR AH SHR AH AND AL,0FH ;Unpack BCD digits AAD ;Convert to binary MOV AH,AL MOV AL,CL RET SETTIME: PUSH CX PUSH DX CALL LOAD0 ;Put 0 into load registers to condition timer MOV AL,43H ;Load counters 1 & 2 OUT STCCOM POP DX POP CX CALL LOAD MOV AL,43H OUT STCCOM ;Load counters 1&2 CALL LOAD0 MOV AL,27H ;Arm counters 1,2,3 OUT STCCOM JP POINTSTAT LOAD0: XOR CX,CX MOV DX,CX LOAD: MOV AL,09 ;Counter 1 load register CALL OUTDX MOV AL,0AH ;Counter 2 load register MOV DX,CX OUTDX: OUT STCCOM ;Select a load register MOV AL,DL CALL OUTBCD MOV AL,DH OUTBCD: AAM ;Convert binary to unpacked BCD SHL AH SHL AH SHL AH SHL AH OR AL,AH ;Packed BCD OUT STCDATA RET SETDATE: XCHG AX,DX ;Put date in DX MOV AL,0BH ;Select Counter 3 load register OUT STCCOM XCHG AX,DX OUT STCDATA MOV AL,AH OUT STCDATA MOV AL,44H ;Load counter 3 OUT STCCOM POINTSTAT: PUSH AX MOV AL,1FH ;Point to status register OUT STCCOM ; so power-off glitches won't hurt POP AX RET L ; ; ************ CONSOLE INPUT ************ ; IF INTINP-1 ; Non-interrupt driven input. STATUS: IN STAT AND AL,DAV JZ NOTHING ; Jump if nothing there. PUSHF ; Save Z flag. INB DATA AND AL,7FH SEG CS MOV [QUEUE],AL ; Put new character in buffer. POPF ; Return with Z flag clear. RET L NOTHING: SEG CS MOV AL,[QUEUE] ; See if there's anything in the buffer. NOT AL ; Set up the Z flag. TEST AL,80H PUSHF NOT AL POPF RET L INP: MOV AL,-1 SEG CS XCHG AL,[QUEUE] ; Remove the character from the buffer. AND AL,AL JNS INRET ; Return if we have a character. INLOOP: IN STAT ; Wait till a character is available. AND AL,DAV JZ INLOOP IN DATA AND AL,7FH INRET: FLUSH: RET L QUEUE: DB -1 ; For storing characters from STATUS to INP. ENDIF IF INTINP ; Interrupt-driven input. ; ; Console keyboard interrupt handler. ; KBINT: PUSH AX PUSH SI MOV AL,20H ;End of Interrupt command OUT BASE+2 ;Send to slave IN DATA ;Get the character AND AL,7FH CMP AL,"C"-"@" JZ FLSH CMP AL,"S"-"@" JZ FLSH CMP AL,"F"-"@" JNZ SAVKY FLSH: CALL 13*3,BIOSSEG ; Call I/O system keyboard buffer flush. SAVKY: SEG CS MOV SI,[REAR] ;Pointer to rear of queue CALL INCQ SEG CS CMP SI,[FRONT] ;Any room in queue? JZ QFULL SEG CS MOV [SI],AL ;Put character in queue SEG CS MOV [REAR],SI ;Save pointer LEAVINT: POP SI POP AX IRET QFULL: MOV AL,7 ; BELL character. CALL 3*3,BIOSSEG ; Call I/O system console output function. JMPS LEAVINT STATUS: PUSH SI ;See if printer ready IN PRNSTAT AND AL,TBMT JZ NOPRN SEG CS MOV SI,[PFRONT] SEG CS CMP SI,[PREAR] ;Anything in print queue? JNZ SENDPRN SEG CS CMP B,[PRNFCB],-1 ;Print spooling in progress? JZ NOPRN ;If not, nothing to print ;Print spooling in progress. Get next buffer PUSH DS PUSH CS POP DS PUSH AX PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH [STKSAV] PUSH [STKSAV+2] PUSH [DMAADD] PUSH [DMAADD+2] MOV DX,PQUEUE MOV AH,26 ;Set DMA address INT 33 MOV DX,PRNFCB MOV CX,PBUFSIZ MOV AH,39 ;Read buffer INT 33 OR AL,AL JZ NOTEOF MOV B,[PRNFCB],-1 ;Turn off print spooling at EOF NOTEOF: POP [DMAADD+2] POP [DMAADD] POP [STKSAV+2] POP [STKSAV] MOV SI,CX POP DX POP CX POP AX POP DS OR SI,SI JZ NOPRN ADD SI,PQUEUE-1 SEG CS MOV [PREAR],SI MOV SI,ENDPQ-1 SENDPRN: CALL INCPQ SEG CS MOV [PFRONT],SI SEG CS LODSB ;Get character to print OUT PRNDATA NOPRN: DI ; Disable interrupts while checking queue. SEG CS MOV SI,[FRONT] SEG CS CMP SI,[REAR] ; Anything in queue? JZ NOCHR ; Jump if nothing in queue. CALL INCQ SEG CS LODSB ;Get character (if there is one) OR SI,SI ;Reset zero flag NOCHR: EI POP SI RET L ;Zero clear if we have a character INP: CALL STATUS,BIOSSEG ; Get I/O system console input status. JZ INP PUSH SI DI ; Disable interrupts while changing queue pointers. SEG CS MOV SI,[FRONT] CALL INCQ ; Permanently remove char from queue SEG CS MOV [FRONT],SI EI POP SI RET L FLUSH: DI SEG CS MOV [REAR],QUEUE SEG CS MOV [FRONT],QUEUE EI RET L INCQ: INC SI CMP SI,ENDQ ;Exceeded length of queue? JB RET MOV SI,QUEUE RET INCPQ: INC SI CMP SI,ENDPQ ;Exceeded length of queue? JB RET MOV SI,PQUEUE RET FRONT: DW QUEUE REAR: DW QUEUE QUEUE: DS QSIZE ENDQ: EQU $ PFRONT: DW PQUEUE PREAR: DW PQUEUE PQUEUE: DS PBUFSIZ ENDPQ: EQU $ PRNFCB: DB -1 DS 36 ENDIF ; ; ************ Console and Printer Output ************ ; OUTP: PUSH AX OUTLP: IN STAT AND AL,TBMT JZ OUTLP POP AX OUT DATA RET L PRINT: PUSH SI SEG CS MOV SI,[PREAR] CALL INCPQ PRINLP: SEG CS CMP SI,[PFRONT] JNZ PRNCHR ;Print queue is full PUSH AX CALL STATUS,BIOSSEG ;Poll and maybe print something POP AX JMPS PRINLP PRNCHR: SEG CS MOV [PREAR],SI SEG CS MOV [SI],AL POP SI RET L ; ; ************ Auxiliary I/O ************ ; AUXIN: IN AUXSTAT AND AL,DAV JZ AUXIN IN AUXDATA RET L AUXOUT: PUSH AX AUXLP: IN AUXSTAT AND AL,TBMT JZ AUXLP POP AX OUT AUXDATA RET L ; ; ************ 1771/1793-type controller disk I/O ************ ; TARBELL:EQU TARBELLSD+TARBELLDD CROMEMCO:EQU CROMEMCO4FDC+CROMEMCO16FDC WD1791: EQU SCP+TARBELLDD+CROMEMCO16FDC WD1771: EQU TARBELLSD+CROMEMCO4FDC IF WD1791 READCOM:EQU 80H WRITECOM:EQU 0A0H ENDIF IF WD1771 READCOM:EQU 88H WRITECOM:EQU 0A8H ENDIF IF SCP SMALLBIT:EQU 10H BACKBIT:EQU 04H DDENBIT:EQU 08H DONEBIT:EQU 01H DISK: EQU 0E0H ENDIF IF TARBELL BACKBIT:EQU 40H DDENBIT:EQU 08H DONEBIT:EQU 80H DISK: EQU 78H ENDIF IF CROMEMCO SMALLBIT:EQU 10H BACKBIT:EQU 0FDH ; Send this to port 4 to select back. DDENBIT:EQU 40H DONEBIT:EQU 01H DISK: EQU 30H ENDIF IF SMALLDS-1 SMALLDDSECT: EQU 8 ENDIF IF SMALLDS SMALLDDSECT: EQU 16 ENDIF IF LARGEDS-1 LARGEDDSECT: EQU 8 ENDIF IF LARGEDS LARGEDDSECT: EQU 16 ENDIF ; ; Disk change function. ; On entry: ; AL = disk drive number. ; On exit: ; AH = -1 (FF hex) if disk is changed. ; AH = 0 if don't know. ; AH = 1 if not changed. ; ; CF clear if no disk error. ; AL = disk I/O driver number. ; ; CF set if disk error. ; AL = disk error code (see disk read below). ; IF WD1771 DSKCHG: MOV AH,0 ; AH = 0 in case we don't know. SEG CS CMP AL,[CURDRV] JNZ RETL PUSH AX ; Save drive number. IF CROMEMCO INB DISK+4 ENDIF IF TARBELL INB DISK ENDIF AND AL,20H ; Look at head load bit POP AX JZ RETL MOV AH,1 ; AH = 1, disk not changed. RETL: CLC ; No disk error. RET L ENDIF ; End of 1771 DSKCHG. IF WD1791 DSKCHG: MOV AH,0 ; AH = 0 in case we don't know. SEG CS CMP AL,[CURDRV] JNZ DENSCHK ; Check density if not same drive. PUSH AX IF SCP+CROMEMCO INB DISK+4 ENDIF IF TARBELL INB DISK ENDIF AND AL,20H ; Look at head load bit POP AX JZ DENSCHK ; Check density if head not loaded. MOV AH,1 ; AH = 1, disk not changed. MOV BX,PREVDENS SEG CS XLAT ; Get previous density CLC ; No disk error. RET L DENSCHK: CALL CHKNEW ; Unload head if selecting new drive. CBW XCHG AX,SI ADD SI,PREVDENS MOV CX,4 ; Try each density twice MOV AH,0 ; Disk may not have been changed. CHKDENS: SEG CS MOV AL,[SI] ; Get previous disk I/O driver number. MOV BX,DRVTAB SEG CS XLAT ; Get drive select byte for previous density IF CROMEMCO16FDC CALL MOTOR ; Wait for motor to come up to speed. ENDIF OUT DISK+4 ; Select disk MOV AL,0C4H ; READ ADDRESS command CALL DCOM AND AL,98H IN DISK+3 ; Eat last byte to reset DRQ JZ HAVDENS ; Jump if no error in reading address. NOT AH ; AH = -1 (disk changed) if new density works. SEG CS XOR B,[SI],1 ; Try other density LOOP CHKDENS MOV AX,2 ; Couldn't read disk at all, AH = 0 for don't STC ; know if disk changed, AL = error code 2 - RET L ; disk not ready, carry set to indicate error. HAVDENS: SEG CS LODSB ; AL = disk I/O driver number. CLC ; No disk error. RET L PREVDENS:DB 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 ; Table of previous disk I/O driver numbers. ENDIF ; End of 1793 DSKCHG function. CHKNEW: MOV AH,AL ; Save disk drive number in AH. SEG CS ; AL = previous disk drive number, XCHG AL,[CURDRV] ; make new drive current. CMP AL,AH ; Changing drives? JZ RET ; ; If changing drives, unload head so the head load delay one-shot will ; fire again. Do it by seeking to the same track with the H bit reset. ; IN DISK+1 ; Get current track number OUT DISK+3 ; Make it the track to seek to MOV AL,10H ; Seek and unload head CALL DCOM MOV AL,AH ; Restore current drive number RET IF CROMEMCO16FDC MOTOR: PUSH AX MOV AH,AL IN DISK+4 ; See if the motor is on. TEST AL,08H MOV AL,AH OUTB DISK+4 ; Select drive & start motor. JNZ MOTORSON ; No delay if motors already on. PUSH CX MOV CX,43716 ; Loop count for 1 second. MOTORDELAY: ; (8 MHz, 16-bit memory). AAM ; 83 clocks. AAM ; 83 clocks. LOOP MOTORDELAY ; 17 clocks. POP CX MOTORSON: POP AX RET ENDIF ; ; Disk read function. ; ; On entry: ; AL = Disk I/O driver number ; BX = Disk transfer address in DS ; CX = Number of sectors to transfer ; DX = Logical record number of transfer ; On exit: ; CF clear if transfer complete ; ; CF set if hard disk error. ; CX = number of sectors left to transfer. ; AL = disk error code ; 0 = write protect error ; 2 = not ready error ; 4 = "data" (CRC) error ; 6 = seek error ; 8 = sector not found ; 10 = write fault ; 12 = "disk" (none of the above) error ; READ: CALL SEEK ;Position head JC ERROR PUSH ES ; Make ES same as DS. MOV BX,DS MOV ES,BX RDLP: CALL READSECT ;Perform sector read JC POPESERROR INC DH ;Next sector number LOOP RDLP ;Read each sector requested CLC ; No errors. POP ES ; Restore ES register. RET L ; ; Disk write function. ; Registers same on entry and exit as read above. ; WRITE: CALL SEEK ;Position head JC ERROR WRTLP: CALL WRITESECT ;Perform sector write JC ERROR INC DH ;Bump sector counter LOOP WRTLP ;Write CX sectors CLC ; No errors. WRITERET: RET L POPESERROR: POP ES ; Restore ES register. ERROR: MOV BL,-1 SEG CS MOV [DI],BL ; Indicate we don't know where head is. MOV SI,ERRTAB GETCOD: INC BL ; Increment to next error code. SEG CS LODB TEST AH,AL ; See if error code matches disk status. JZ GETCOD ; Try another if not. MOV AL,BL ; Now we've got the code. SHL AL ; Multiply by two. STC RET L ERRTAB: DB 40H ;Write protect error DB 80H ;Not ready error DB 8 ;CRC error DB 2 ;Seek error DB 10H ;Sector not found DB 20H ;Write fault DB 7 ;"Disk" error ; ; Direct disk read and write from INT 37 and INT 38. Subroutine GETIODRIVER ; calls DSKCHG to convert disk drive number to I/O driver number. ; ; Setting CURDRV to -1 before calling DSKCHG forces DSKCHG to check the disk's ; density before returning the I/O driver number. This is necessary because ; programs such as FORMAT could change the density of a disk and leave the ; head loaded. If the head is loaded DSKCHG assumes the disk hasn't been ; changed and returns the old I/O driver number which could be wrong. ; ; CURDRV is set to -1 before returning so when DSKCHG is called by the ; operating system, it will tell the operating system the disk may have ; been changed (because it may have been). ; DIRECTREAD: IF WD1791 CALL GETIODRIVER ; Convert drive number to I/O driver number. JC DIRECTRET ; Return if DSKCHG returned error. ENDIF CALL 7*3,BIOSSEG ; Call READ. JMPS DIRECTRET DIRECTWRITE: IF WD1791 CALL GETIODRIVER ; Convert drive number to I/O driver number. JC DIRECTRET ; Return if DSKCHG returned error. ENDIF CALL 8*3,BIOSSEG ; Call WRITE. DIRECTRET: SEG CS MOV B,[CURDRV],-1 ; Force DSKCHG to do density check. RET L IF WD1791 GETIODRIVER: SEG CS MOV B,[CURDRV],-1 ; Force DSKCHG to do density check. PUSH BX PUSH CX CALL 9*3,BIOSSEG ; Call DSKCHG. POP CX POP BX RET ENDIF ; ; Function: ; Seeks to proper track. ; On entry: ; Same as for disk read or write above. ; On exit: ; AH = Drive select byte ; DL = Track number ; DH = Sector number ; SI = Disk transfer address in DS ; DI = pointer to drive's track counter in CS ; CX unchanged (number of sectors) ; SEEK: MOV SI,BX ; Save transfer address CBW MOV BX,AX ; Prepare to index on drive number IF WD1791 ; If two disk formats per drive. SHR AL ; Convert to physical disk drive number. ENDIF CALL CHKNEW ; Unload head if changing drives. SEG CS MOV AL,[BX+DRVTAB] ; Get drive-select byte. IF CROMEMCO16FDC CALL MOTOR ; Wait for the motors to come up to speed. ENDIF OUTB DISK+4 ; Select drive. IF CROMEMCO OR AL,80H ; Set auto-wait bit. ENDIF MOV AH,AL ; Save drive-select byte in AH. XCHG AX,DX ; AX = logical sector number. MOV DL,26 ; 26 sectors/track unless changed below IF SCP TEST DH,SMALLBIT ; Check if small disk. JZ BIGONE ; Jump if big disk. MOV DL,18 ; Assume 18 sectors on small track. TEST DH,DDENBIT ; Check if double-density. JZ HAVSECT ; Jump if not. MOV DL,SMALLDDSECT ; Number of sectors on small DD track. JP HAVSECT BIGONE: TEST DH,DDENBIT ; Check if double-density. JZ HAVSECT ; Jump if not. MOV DL,LARGEDDSECT ; Number of sectors on big DD track. ENDIF IF TARBELLDD ; Tarbell DD controller. TEST DH,DDENBIT ; Check for double-density. JZ HAVSECT MOV DL,LARGEDDSECT ; Number of sectors on DD track. ENDIF IF CROMEMCO4FDC TEST DH,SMALLBIT ; Check if small disk. JNZ HAVSECT ; Jump if not. MOV DL,18 ; 18 sectors on small disk track. ENDIF IF CROMEMCO16FDC TEST DH,SMALLBIT ; Check if small disk. JNZ BIGONE ; Jump if big disk. MOV DL,18 ; Assume 18 sectors on small track. TEST DH,DDENBIT ; Check if double-density. JZ HAVSECT ; Jump if not. MOV DL,SMALLDDSECT ; Number of sectors on small DD track. JP HAVSECT BIGONE: TEST DH,DDENBIT ; Check if double-density. JZ HAVSECT ; Jump if not. MOV DL,LARGEDDSECT ; Number of sectors on big DD track. ENDIF HAVSECT: DIV AL,DL ; AL = track, AH = sector. XCHG AX,DX ; AH has drive-select byte, DX = track & sector. INC DH ; Sectors start at one, not zero. SEG CS MOV BL,[BX+TRKPT] ; Get this drive's displacement into track table. ADD BX,TRKTAB ; BX now points to track counter for this drive. MOV DI,BX MOV AL,DL ; Move new track number into AL. SEG CS XCHG AL,[DI] ; Xchange current track with desired track OUT DISK+1 ; Inform controller chip of current track CMP AL,DL ; See if we're at the right track. JZ RET MOV BH,2 ; Seek retry count CMP AL,-1 ; Head position known? JNZ NOHOME ; If not, home head TRYSK: CALL HOME JC SEEKERR NOHOME: MOV AL,DL ; AL = new track number. OUT DISK+3 MOV AL,1CH+STPSPD ; Seek command. CALL MOVHEAD AND AL,98H ; Accept not ready, seek, & CRC error bits. JZ RET JS SEEKERR ; No retries if not ready DEC BH JNZ TRYSK SEEKERR: MOV AH,AL ; Put status in AH. TEST AL,80H ; See if it was a Not Ready error. STC JNZ RET ; Status is OK for Not Ready error. MOV AH,2 ; Everything else is seek error. RET SETUP: MOV BL,DH ; Move sector number to BL to play with IF SCP+CROMEMCO16FDC TEST AH,DDENBIT ; Check for double density. JZ CHECKSMALL ; Not DD, check size for SD. ENDIF IF TARBELLDD TEST AH,DDENBIT ; Check for double density. JZ CHECK26 ; Not DD. ENDIF IF WD1791 IF (SCP+TARBELL)*LARGEDS+SCP*SMALLDS MOV AL,AH ; Select front side of disk. OUT DISK+4 ENDIF IF CROMEMCO*(LARGEDS+SMALLDS) MOV AL,0FFH ; Select front side of disk. OUT 04H ENDIF CMP BL,8 ; See if legal DD sector number. JBE PUTSEC ; Jump if ok. IF (LARGEDS-1)*((SMALLDS*(SCP+CROMEMCO))-1) JP STEP ; If only SS drives, we gotta step. ENDIF IF SCP*LARGEDS*(SMALLDS-1) TEST AH,SMALLBIT ; Check for 5.25 inch disk. JNZ STEP ; Jump if small because SMALLDS is off. ENDIF IF SCP*SMALLDS*(LARGEDS-1) TEST AH,SMALLBIT ; Check for 8 inch disk. JZ STEP ; Jump if large because LARGEDS is off. ENDIF IF CROMEMCO16FDC*LARGEDS*(SMALLDS-1) TEST AH,SMALLBIT ; Check for 5.25 inch disk. JZ STEP ; Jump if small because SMALLDS is off. ENDIF IF CROMEMCO16FDC*SMALLDS*(LARGEDS-1) TEST AH,SMALLBIT ; Check for 8 inch disk. JNZ STEP ; Jump if large because LARGEDS is off. ENDIF IF LARGEDS+SMALLDS*(SCP+CROMEMCO) SUB BL,8 ; Find true sector for back side. CMP BL,8 ; See if ok now. JA STEP ; Have to step if still too big. IF SCP+TARBELLDD MOV AL,AH ; Move drive select byte into AL. OR AL,BACKBIT ; Select back side. OUT DISK+4 ENDIF IF CROMEMCO16FDC MOV AL,BACKBIT ; Select back side. OUT 04H ENDIF JP PUTSEC ENDIF ENDIF IF SCP CHECKSMALL: TEST AH,SMALLBIT ; See if big disk. JZ CHECK26 ; Jump if big. ENDIF IF CROMEMCO CHECKSMALL: TEST AH,SMALLBIT ; See if big disk. JNZ CHECK26 ; Jump if big. ENDIF IF SCP+CROMEMCO CMP BL,18 ; See if legal small SD/SS sector. JA STEP ; Jump if not. ENDIF CHECK26: CMP BL,26 ; See if legal large SD/SS sector. JBE PUTSEC ; Jump if ok. STEP: INC DL ; Increment track number. MOV AL,58H ; Step in with update. CALL DCOM SEG CS INC B,[DI] ; Increment the track pointer. MOV DH,1 ; After step, do first sector. MOV BL,DH ; Fix temporary sector number also. PUTSEC: MOV AL,BL ; Output sector number to controller. OUT DISK+2 DI ; Interrupts not allowed until I/O done IF SCP+CROMEMCO INB DISK+4 ; Get head-load bit. ENDIF IF TARBELL INB DISK ENDIF NOT AL AND AL,20H ; Check head load status JZ RET MOV AL,4 RET READSECT: CALL SETUP MOV BL,10 ; Retry count for hard error. XCHG DI,SI ; Transfer address to DI. PUSH DX ; Save track & sector number. MOV DL,DISK+3 ; Disk controller data port. RDAGN: OR AL,READCOM OUT DISK IF CROMEMCO MOV AL,AH ; Turn on auto-wait. OUT DISK+4 ENDIF MOV BP,DI ; Save address for retry. JMPS RLOOPENTRY RLOOP: STOB ; Write into memory. RLOOPENTRY: IF SCP IN DISK+5 ; Wait for DRQ or INTRQ. ENDIF IF TARBELL+CROMEMCO IN DISK+4 ENDIF IF TARBELL SHL AL INB DX ; Read data from disk controller chip. JC RLOOP ENDIF IF SCP+CROMEMCO SHR AL INB DX ; Read data from disk controller chip. JNC RLOOP ENDIF EI ; Interrupts OK now CALL GETSTAT AND AL,9CH JZ RDPOP MOV DI,BP ; Get origainal address back for retry. MOV BH,AL ; Save error status for report MOV AL,0 DEC BL JNZ RDAGN MOV AH,BH ; Put error status in AH. STC RDPOP: POP DX ; Get back track & sector number. XCHG SI,DI ; Address back to SI. IF TARBELL FORCINT: MOV AL,0D0H ; Tarbell controllers need this Force Interrupt OUT DISK ; so that Type I status is always available MOV AL,10 ; at the 1771/1793 status port so we can find INTDLY: ; out if the head is loaded. SCP and Cromemco DEC AL ; controllers have head-load status available JNZ INTDLY ; at the DISK+4 status port. ENDIF RET WRITESECT: CALL SETUP MOV BL,10 PUSH DX ; Save track & sector number. MOV DL,DISK+3 ; Disk controller data port. WRTAGN: OR AL,WRITECOM OUT DISK IF CROMEMCO MOV AL,AH ; Turn on auto-wait. OUT DISK+4 ENDIF MOV BP,SI WRLOOP: IF SCP INB DISK+5 ENDIF IF TARBELL+CROMEMCO INB DISK+4 ENDIF IF SCP+CROMEMCO SHR AL LODB ; Get data from memory. OUTB DX ; Write to disk. JNC WRLOOP ENDIF IF TARBELL SHL AL LODB ; Get data from memory. OUTB DX ; Write to disk. JC WRLOOP ENDIF EI ; Interrupts OK now. DEC SI CALL GETSTAT AND AL,0FCH JZ WRPOP MOV SI,BP MOV BH,AL MOV AL,0 DEC BL JNZ WRTAGN MOV AH,BH ; Error status to AH. STC WRPOP: POP DX ; Get back track & sector number. IF TARBELL JMPS FORCINT ENDIF IF SCP+CROMEMCO RET ENDIF ; ; Subroutine to restore the read/write head to track 0. ; IF SCP+CROMEMCO+TARBELL*(FASTSEEK-1) HOME: ENDIF IF FASTSEEK*CROMEMCO TEST AH,SMALLBIT ; Check for large disk. JNZ RESTORE ; Big disks are fast seek PerSci. ENDIF MOV BL,3 TRYHOM: IF SCP*FASTSEEK MOV AL,AH ; Turn on Restore to PerSci. OR AL,80H OUTB DISK+4 ENDIF MOV AL,0CH+STPSPD ; Restore with verify command. CALL DCOM AND AL,98H IF SCP*FASTSEEK MOV AL,AH ; Restore off. OUTB DISK+4 ENDIF JZ RET JS HOMERR ; No retries if not ready MOV AL,58H+STPSPD ; Step in with update CALL DCOM DEC BL JNZ TRYHOM HOMERR: STC RET ; ; RESTORE for PerSci drives. ; Doesn't exist yet for Tarbell controllers. ; IF FASTSEEK*TARBELL HOME: RESTORE: RET ENDIF IF FASTSEEK*CROMEMCO4FDC RESTORE: MOV AL,0C4H ;READ ADDRESS command to keep head loaded OUT DISK MOV AL,77H OUT 4 CHKRES: IN 4 AND AL,40H JZ RESDONE IN DISK+4 TEST AL,DONEBIT JZ CHKRES IN DISK JP RESTORE ;Reload head RESDONE: MOV AL,7FH OUT 4 CALL GETSTAT MOV AL,0 OUT DISK+1 ;Tell 1771 we're now on track 0 RET ENDIF IF FASTSEEK*CROMEMCO16FDC RESTORE: MOV AL,0D7H ; Turn on Drive-Select and Restore. OUTB 4 PUSH AX AAM ; 10 uS delay. POP AX RESWAIT: INB 4 ; Wait till Seek Complete is active. TEST AL,40H JNZ RESWAIT MOV AL,0FFH ; Turn off Drive-Select and Restore. OUTB 4 SUB AL,AL ; Tell 1793 we're on track 0. OUTB DISK+1 RET ENDIF ; ; Subroutine to move the read/write head to the desired track. ; Usually falls through to DCOM unless special handling for ; PerSci drives is required in which case go to FASTSK. ; IF SCP+CROMEMCO+TARBELL*(FASTSEEK-1) MOVHEAD: ENDIF IF CROMEMCO*FASTSEEK TEST AH,SMALLBIT ; Check for PerSci. JNZ FASTSK ENDIF DCOM: OUT DISK PUSH AX AAM ;Delay 10 microseconds POP AX GETSTAT: IN DISK+4 TEST AL,DONEBIT IF TARBELL JNZ GETSTAT ENDIF IF SCP+CROMEMCO JZ GETSTAT ENDIF IN DISK RET ; ; Fast seek code for PerSci drives. ; Tarbell not installed yet. ; IF FASTSEEK*TARBELL MOVHEAD: FASTSK: RET ENDIF IF FASTSEEK*CROMEMCO FASTSK: MOV AL,6FH OUT 4 MOV AL,18H CALL DCOM SKWAIT: IN 4 TEST AL,40H JNZ SKWAIT MOV AL,7FH OUT 4 MOV AL,0 RET ENDIF CURDRV: DB -1 ; ; Explanation of tables below. ; ; DRVTAB is a table of bytes which are sent to the disk controller as drive- ; select bytes to choose which physical drive is selected for each disk I/O ; driver. It also selects whether the disk is 5.25-inch or 8-inch, single- ; density or double-density. Always select side 0 in the drive-select byte if ; a side-select bit is available. There should be one entry in the DRVTAB ; table for each disk I/O driver. Exactly which bits in the drive-select byte ; do what depends on which disk controller is used. ; ; TRKTAB is a table of bytes used to store which track the read/write ; head of each drive is on. Each physical drive should have its own ; entry in TRKTAB. ; ; TRKPT is a table of bytes which indicates which TRKTAB entry each ; disk I/O driver should use. Since each physical drive may be used for ; more than one disk I/O driver, more than one entry in TRKPT may point ; to the same entry in TRKTAB. Drives such as PerSci 277s which use ; the same head positioner for more than one drive should share entrys ; in TRKTAB. ; ; INITTAB is the initialization table for 86-DOS as described in the ; 86-DOS Programer's Manual under "Customizing the I/O System." ; IF SCP*COMBIN*FASTSEEK ; ; A PerSci 277 or 299 and one 5.25-inch drive. ; DRVTAB: DB 00H,08H,01H,09H,10H,18H,00H,08H,01H,09H TRKPT: DB 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0 TRKTAB: DB -1,-1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 6 ; Number of disk I/O drivers. ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 10 ENDIF DB 0 ; Disk I/O driver 0 uses disk drive 0. DW LSDRIVE ; Disk I/O driver 0 is 8-inch single-density. DB 0 ; Disk I/O driver 1 uses disk drive 0. DW LDDRIVE ; Disk I/O driver 1 is 8-inch double-density. DB 1 ; Etc. DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LDDRIVE DB 2 DW SSDRIVE DB 2 DW SDDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLDDRIVE DB 4 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 4 DW OLDLDDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF IF SCP*LARGE*FASTSEEK ; ; PerSci 277 or 299. ; DRVTAB: DB 00H,08H,01H,09H,00H,08H,01H,09H TRKPT: DB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 TRKTAB: DB -1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 4 ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 8 ENDIF DB 0 DW LSDRIVE DB 0 DW LDDRIVE DB 1 DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LDDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 2 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 2 DW OLDLDDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLDDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF IF TARBELLDD ; ; Two 8-inch Shugart-type drives. ; DRVTAB: DB 0,8,10H,18H,0,8,10H,18H TRKPT: DB 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1 TRKTAB: DB -1,-1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 4 ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 8 ENDIF DB 0 DW LSDRIVE DB 0 DW LDDRIVE DB 1 DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LDDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 2 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 2 DW OLDLDDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLDDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF IF TARBELLSD ; ; Four 8-inch Shugart-type drives. ; DRVTAB: DB 0F2H,0E2H,0F2H,0E2H TRKPT: DB 0,1,0,1 TRKTAB: DB -1,-1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 2 ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 4 ENDIF DB 0 DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LSDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 2 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF ; ; Cromemco drive select byte is derived as follows: ; Bit 7 = 0 ; Bit 6 = 1 if double density (if 16FDC) ; Bit 5 = 1 (motor on) ; Bit 4 = 0 for 5", 1 for 8" drives ; Bit 3 = 1 for drive 3 ; Bit 2 = 1 for drive 2 ; Bit 1 = 1 for drive 1 ; Bit 0 = 1 for drive 0 ; IF CROMEMCO4FDC*LARGE ; ; PerSci 277 drive. ; DRVTAB: DB 31H,32H,31H,32H TRKPT: DB 0,0,0,0 TRKTAB: DB -1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 2 ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 4 ENDIF DB 0 DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LSDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 2 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF IF CROMEMCO4FDC*COMBIN ; ; A PerSci 277 and one 5.25-inch drive. ; DRVTAB: DB 31H,32H,24H,31H,32H TRKPT: DB 0,0,1,0,0 TRKTAB: DB -1,-1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 3 ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 5 ENDIF DB 0 DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LSDRIVE DB 2 DW SSDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 4 DW OLDLSDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF IF CROMEMCO4FDC*SMALL ; ; Three 5.25-inch drives. ; DRVTAB: DB 21H,22H,24H TRKPT: DB 0,1,2 TRKTAB: DB -1,-1,-1 INITTAB:DB 3 DB 0 DW SSDRIVE DB 1 DW SSDRIVE DB 2 DW SSDRIVE ENDIF IF CUSTOM ; ; Cromemco 4FDC with two 8-inch Shugart-type drives. ; DRVTAB: DB 31H,32H,31H,32H TRKPT: DB 0,1,0,1 TRKTAB: DB -1,-1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 2 ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 4 ENDIF DB 0 DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LSDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 2 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF IF CROMEMCO16FDC*SMALL ; ; Three 5.25-inch drives. ; DRVTAB: DB 21H,61H,22H,62H,24H,64H TRKPT: DB 0,0,1,1,2,2 TRKTAB: DB -1,-1,-1 INITTAB:DB 6 DB 0 DW SSDRIVE DB 0 DW SDDRIVE DB 1 DW SSDRIVE DB 1 DW SDDRIVE DB 2 DW SSDRIVE DB 2 DW SDDRIVE ENDIF IF CROMEMCO16FDC*COMBIN ; ; A PerSci 277 or 299 and one 5.25-inch drive. ; DRVTAB: DB 31H,71H,32H,72H,24H,64H,31H,71H,32H,72H TRKPT: DB 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0 TRKTAB: DB -1,-1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 6 ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 10 ENDIF DB 0 DW LSDRIVE DB 0 DW LDDRIVE DB 1 DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LDDRIVE DB 2 DW SSDRIVE DB 2 DW SDDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLDDRIVE DB 4 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 4 DW OLDLDDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF IF CROMEMCO16FDC*LARGE ; ; A PerSci 277 or 299. ; DRVTAB: DB 31H,71H,32H,72H,31H,71H,32H,72H TRKPT: DB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 TRKTAB: DB -1 INITTAB: IF CONVERT-1 DB 4 ENDIF IF CONVERT DB 8 ENDIF DB 0 DW LSDRIVE DB 0 DW LDDRIVE DB 1 DW LSDRIVE DB 1 DW LDDRIVE IF CONVERT DB 2 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 2 DW OLDLDDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLSDRIVE DB 3 DW OLDLDDRIVE ENDIF ENDIF IF SMALL+COMBIN SSDRIVE: DW 128 ; Sector size in bytes. DB 2 ; Sector per allocation unit. DW 54 ; Reserved sectors. DB 2 ; Number of allocation tables. DW 64 ; Number of directory entrys. DW 720 ; Number of sectors on the disk. IF SMALLDS-1 SDDRIVE: ; This is the IBM Personal Computer DW 512 ; disk format. DB 1 DW 1 DB 2 DW 64 DW 320 ENDIF IF SMALLDS SDDRIVE: DW 512 DB 2 DW 1 DB 2 DW 112 DW 640 ENDIF ENDIF ; End of small drive DPTs. IF COMBIN+LARGE LSDRIVE: DW 128 ; Size of sector in bytes. DB 4 ; Sectors per allocation unit. DW 1 ; Number of reserved sectors. DB 2 ; Number of File Allocation Tables. DW 68 ; Number of directory entrys. DW 77*26 ; Number of sectors on the disk. IF CONVERT OLDLSDRIVE: DW 128 DB 4 DW 52 ; Old format had two tracks reserved. DB 2 DW 64 ; 64 directory entrys. DW 77*26 ENDIF IF LARGEDS-1 OLDLDDRIVE: LDDRIVE: DW 1024 DB 1 DW 1 DB 2 DW 96 DW 77*8 ENDIF IF LARGEDS LDDRIVE: DW 1024 DB 1 DW 1 DB 2 DW 192 ; 192 directory entrys in new 8-inch DD/DS format. DW 77*8*2 IF CONVERT OLDLDDRIVE: DW 1024 DB 1 DW 1 DB 2 DW 128 ; 128 directory entrys in old 8-inch DD/DS format. DW 77*8*2 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ; End of large drive DPTs. DOSSEG: EQU ($+15)/16+BIOSSEG ; Compute segment to use for 86-DOS. DOSDIF: EQU 16*(DOSSEG-BIOSSEG) STKSAV: EQU 1701H+DOSDIF DMAADD: EQU 15B4H+DOSDIF END